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30 and in school for an associates in science. Then I will be heading to get my degree in Wildlife management.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Negligence Kills
There are too many deaths happening of poor innocent children and the PARENTS are to blame. Keep a fucking eye on your children and this shit would not happen. I was just looking at KWWL online and the mother of the three year old that was killed by the Rottweiler’s made a statement that blew my mind. “She says the 3-year-old was never left alone with the dogs, and that the dogs must have gotten out somehow on Saturday, possibly by digging under the fence.”  That is complete bull crap, way to put all the blame on the dogs.
If these fuck head parents were to have been paying attention the dogs would have never made it underneath the fence. I mean seriously now a three year does not need to be anywhere unattended, even in the backyard. Get some common sense once again and DO NOT LEAVE YOUR KIDS UNATTENDED, NEGLIGENCE KILLS. Anyone who says these deaths had nothing to do with parents not paying attention is a delusional fucktard with no brains what so ever. Now don’t get me wrong the dogs did kill her, and it is a tragedy. That’s exactly what they are dogs. They don’t know right from wrong that is why we train them. Maybe the training of the dogs better than what they are is the answer? Which comes back to NEGLIGENCE KILLS, get that into all your brains. Because the first time you are negligent this could be you on the front page.
I really know this might offend some of you and I am sorry but it is the truth. Why do parents put full blame on the pet that turned wrong. Yes they should be put down just like a human would if they were to kill. To not press charges on anyone that was not around their children when big dogs are near. I think is ridiculous. They want to start charging the parents when their child does wrong , but not to charge them when they are neglent is absolutely. Love your kids and hold them tight. Don’t forget to let them be free too. BUT ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CHILDREN.  

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